Balice Hertling project in New York
curated by Romain Dauriac
Julie Beaufils
Olivia Erlanger
Alex Mackin Dolan
Aude Pariset
Jon Rafman
Evan Robarts
Bunny Rogers
Jasper Spicero
Amalia Ulman
“Today : Morrow” investigates an uncertain future of hyper-technology, inhuman supremacy, disembodiment, and the quest for absolute purity. The artworks in this show explore the relationship between the virtual and real, consumerism and ideology, seduction and production, as well as between artificial intelligence and human instinct.
The artists in the show create hybrid works by applying new technology to handmade materials. In so doing, they question the relationship between immaterial information and the physical world. Many of the works both criticize and glorify the Internet as a tool of self-promotion.
“Today : Morrow” presents a precarious image, the contemporary one we collectively feel in this digital age, where incongruous combinations such as corporate design and romanticism, industrially produced wallpaper and gold-smithery, or poetry and 3D printing might appear.
“To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day”
William Shakespeare, Macbeth Act 5, scene 5, 19-28
– Romain Dauriac